Came across this little hack the other day. Your 40 channel GME uhf maybe able to be changed from 40 to 80 channel. ]
User Upgradable
If your GME 40 channel UHF radio is listed as User Upgradable, you can upgrade it yourself as follows;
Connect your radio to a 12 Volt power source and switch it on. Use the following channel selection sequence to upgrade your radio. If at any point you make a mistake, simply switch it OFF then ON again and repeat the sequence from step 1.
1. Select Channel 7.
2. Switch the radio OFF then ON again.
3. Select Channel 23.
4. Switch the radio OFF then ON again.
5. Select Channel 39.
6. Switch the radio OFF then ON again.
7. Select Channel 15.
8. Switch the radio OFF then ON again.
9. Select Channel 31.
10. Switch the radio OFF then ON again.
If the upgrade was successful, channel 80 will be displayed
40 to 80 channel uhf
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