DPF Light

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DPF Light

Post by Navmum6 »

Recently purchased 2008 d40 2.5 auto, the other day when I was driving the DPF light came on, while travelling, read up on how to do a regen but it didn’t work. Took it to a mechanic who said it was the MAF sensor, so I changed it, didn’t fix the problem, so went to another mechanic and the same codes came up, they drained some oil and did a forced burn, problem fixed. For about two hours, then on my way home found another mechanic and all the same codes came back, he did tell me I would be fine to get home with the issue. I had to drive over Cunningham gap to get home, so was very worried. Sat at a service station for about an hour and then drove off, light was still on but it was driving fine. Didn’t miss a beat, light came off, driving back from my daughter’s house, light came back on and went back in to limp mode again. Now the question is, the three times the light has come on it was raining very hard and not raining when it fixed itself. Any suggestions are appreciated? 
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