STX550 D40 vs D23

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STX550 D40 vs D23

Post by KISA »

I've been looking around for an STX550 for a while because I like the power of the 3L engine.
From what I've seen, there is no other later model Navara's that comes with an engine that size or power.
So my question is how different is the power between the STX550 and the 2.4L in the D23.
Is it much of a power drop, how good/reliable is the D23 engine compared to the 550 and what benefits does the D23 provide on the STX550?
I'm basically is it worth going older to get the power and reliability or drop in power for sometihng a bit newer?
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Re: STX550 D40 vs D23

Post by NavBoss »


I have both of these vehicles and there just isn't any comparison. The STX550 is nothing but a power horse especially whit a tune. Unfortunately this engine was made redundant in the Nissan range after there were initial talks of having the engine as a diesel option for the Y62 Patrol which never eventuated. The NP300 goes alright for a small 2.3L engine with the twin turbo option but doesn't stack up to the power and torque of the 3.0L V6 D40 in my opinion.

D40 STX550 - Power: 170kW - Torque: 550Nm (Tuned Power: can be as high as or higher than 195kW - Torque: can be as high as 850Nm) 
NP300 - Power: 140kW - Torque: 450Nm

Benefits of the NP300 is the coil rear making them a lot more stable and capable offroad. I have the best of both worlds as I have a coil rear in my D40 STX550. ;)

One downside of the V9X motor is that parts are getting harder to get but at this point in time rebuilds are still achievable.
Regards Ollie 8-)
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